Clean Air: Boise Cascade Scrubs Out Emissions

American Paper Staff Report

When it comes to air quality control, bleached paper producers in Maine face the potential of a double whammy. Not only does the federal Clean Air Act mandate the use of maximum achievable control technology (MACT) but the state of the Maine has some of the toughest air quality standards in the nation. Maine allows each paper mill air emissions of only 3 lbs/hr of chlorine and chlorine dioxide


To design a MACT air scrubber system for its bleached paper mill at Rumford, Maine, Boise Cascade Corp. called on Caldwell-MacKay Co.Inc., Birmingham, Alabama.

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Pollution Fighters are Cleaning Up

Birmingham News

“I don’t consider myself an environmentalist. I’m not a member of the Sierra Clob or Greenpeace,” says Rick MacKay, a partner and designer of air-pollution control systems at Caldwell-MacKay Co. Inc.

Environmentalist or not, MacKay knows he and partner Dan Caldwell are making a difference in people’s lives and the environment. MacKay’s ethic was shaped by something he once heard in a speech.

“I went to an environmental seminar once and the speaker said, ‘Raise a child correctly. Plant a hardwood tree. And Leave the world a better place.’ I’ve done all that, and if that makes me an environmentalist, then I guess I am.”

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New Scrubbers Help Boise Cascade Exceed Clean Air Regulations

Facing stiffer environmental regulations in a competitive marketplace, much of the success of today’s paper mill rests in maintaining efficiency of its operations. For Boise Cascade Corporation, a multiple scrubber system is helping to maintain high efficiency of its bleach plant in Rumford, Maine.

The engineering design firm Caldwell-MacKay Company, Inc., Birmingham, Alabama, specified the design of the scrubber system, which combines four identical scrubbers – a series of two in a line – each measuring 8’ by 56’-6”.

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Dual-Laminate Scrubber Design Provides High-Efficiency Service

Derakane News

American paper mills are entering the decade of the ’90s facing stiffer environmental regulations and a highly competitive marketplace.

The challenge, then, for many mills is how to meet federal, state and local standard and be a good industrial neighbor to the surrounding community, while maintaining a cost-efficient operation. To help a large paper company meet this challenge, Cladwell-MacKay Company, Inc. designed a high-efficiency, two-tower scrubber system.

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FRP Scrubber Replaces Multiple Scrubber System

Derakane News

The most cost-effective maintenance is preventative maintenance. For that reason, Georgia Pacific Corp., Brunswick, Georgia, decided in 1984 to replace a series of multiple stacks and scrubbers with a single scrubber unit made entirely from corrosion resistant vinyl ester resin.

Brunswick Officials opted for this new system even though the original system was still in operation. Rick MacKay collaborated with Dow Chemical to first commercial use of the cutting-edge resin Derakane 510C – 350 Vinyl Ester Resin.

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